As the new term begins I am writing to let you know about the study leave/sabbatical arrangements in the coming months for two members of staff – Mark Earey and Ash Cocksworth. This is of particular relevance to students who attend the Queen's Campus but I hope it is helpful to others as well.
Both Mark and Ash will be on a
complex pattern of study leave consisting of periods when they are on ‘full study leave’
(freed from all normal responsibilities) and at other times when they are on ‘partial study
leave’ (when they will continue with some teaching and tutorial
responsibilities, but not be around very much).
Mark will be on partial study leave in the first half of term 2; he will be working as normal in the second half of the term (including leading the first year Easter School); he will be on partial study leave in the first half of term 3 and then on full study leave for the rest of the term. If you are an Anglican ordinand you should contact Andrea Russell for issues that Mark would have dealt with as Director of Anglican Formation – i.e. issues relating to your formation, your DDO or prospective curacy. Other issues that relate to the Centre for Ministerial Formation you should refer to Jane Craske.
Ash will be on full study leave for the first half of term 2; he will be partial study leave for the second half of term 2 and first half of term 3.
During their periods of leave both will be giving attention to significant writing projects, so I am sure you will want to wish them well with their studies and to support them in this by respecting the times when they are not available or only have limited availability.
David Hewlett