Our annual trip into Birmingham city centre to sing 'subversive carols' (all the old favourite tunes, but with words that challenge the structures of injustice which trap many people at Christmas) will be taking place on Monday 12th December, startingĀ at around 2pm until about 3pm. All are welcome to join in.
A group will be leaving Queen's at about 1.30pm to catch the train, but anyone is welcome to meet us in Birmingham (we gather near the Bull outside the Bullring). We need people willing to sing (no high level of ability required!), and others to give out chocolate coins to those who pass by, and others to give out short flyers explaining who we are and what we are doing and maybe to engage people in brief conversation.
Do let us know if you have a possible new addition to our growing catalogue of material (see attached last year's song sheet, to give you an idea of the kind of thing we sing). If you can't join us in the flesh, do pray for us, or maybe use some of the material in your own context.
Mark Earey