Dear Students
We have previously asked that, for modules delivered in face-to-face mode, self-isolating students (or those unable to be present for modular sessions for other reasons) do not seek to join face-to-face sessions via Zoom. Thankyou for your assistance in this.
We also previously noted that this arrangement was until the requisite technology was in place to properly enable off-site/online participation.
We are now getting appropriate kit in place, and obviously wish to use it accordingly, but equally recognise that it will take time for users (students and staff) to become confident with it. To this end, we want to introduce use of this technology ‘gradually’. Hence, if you are needing to self-isolate from face-to-face learning, please be in contact with the module tutor, to see if/how Zoom access may be enabled, and we will do our best to enable it where possible.
Thanks for bearing with us in this.