A message from Common Awards
Dear Students,
Every year the Common Awards team works with our partners, including your institution and the Theological Educators Network, to hold a conference on theological education. Last year, we held this conference online and opened up sessions to students. We will be holding the event online again this year and we would be delighted if you were able to join us.
The conference will be held on Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th July. Our theme this year is Bodies and Pedagogies and we are very excited to welcome speakers including:
- Professor Esther Mombo (St Paul's University, Kenya)
- Rev Sophie Cowan (Oxford Diocese)
- Professor Anthony Reddie (University of Oxford)
- Rev Grace Thomas (Manchester Diocese)
- Rev Dr Hannah Lewis (Liverpool Diocese)
- Rev Miriam Spies (United Church of Canada and Emmanuel College, Toronto)
- Dr Léon Van Ommen (University of Aberdeen)
- Professor Louise Lawrence (University of Exeter)
Our aim is to discuss together the ways in which teaching and learning in theological education is shaped by and shapes our embodied experiences. We will also consider how our learning shapes and is shaped by our life together as members of the Body of Christ.
Conference registration will open shortly and further details about how to register, including the timetable, will be circulated to you soon. For now please save the dates in your diaries. Booking for the conference will be flexible and you are welcome to attend whichever parts of the programme are possible for you.
As well as being able to attend the main conference sessions, there will also be opportunities for you to join in some discussion groups with other students in theological education from institutions across the UK.
If you are on Twitter you can follow us for updates about this conference and other events on the account @CommonAwards
We hope you can join us and we look forward to meeting you in July!
Best wishes,
Frances Clemson.
Dr Frances Clemson, Assistant Professor in Theology and Ministry, Durham University