Dear all:
Hopefully by now you have signed up for the Carol Service and meal on Tuesday. Please do so immediately if not!
On Tuesday, we’ll begin at 5.30pm in the Chapel. Children are welcome, and we will provide colouring sheets for them, and some glowsticks, in case parents prefer their children to use those instead of actual candles when we come to that part of the service! Of course, parents are asked to take vigilant responsibility for their children at all times, and especially when handling, or in the vicinity of, naked flames.
There will also be a crèche in the play room, for children under 5, during the Carol Service. I’m grateful to Ben and his team for organising this. You therefore have options in deciding how your family wishes to celebrate the end of term – and the Advent season – on Tuesday night.
Please do let me know if you any questions: will reach me. (Please use this address, do not reply to this email)
Many thanks and all good wishes,