Problems with Turnitin

Problems with Turnitin

by Judith Rossall -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

We are aware that people are experiencing problems both marking and accessing marks on Turnitin.  Let me start by apologising for the inconvenience this causes.  We have been in touch with our Moodle hosts and they tell us that another Training Institution has reported similar problems - so it is not just us.  They are now logging all errors and looking for the problem.

In the meantime, if you have difficulties it is worth waiting a while and then trying again.  I'm sorry that this extra hassle, but it hopefully this should be a temporary measure.  Please could tutors be aware that Turnitin is not always saving comments - there is no easy solution to this, so I apologise to anyone who is marking at the moment.  Please be vigilant in checking that your comments have been saved and hopefully we will trace the source of the issue soon.

Best wishes
