To: all students and staff,
This is to let you know that following the Academic Management Group Meeting yesterday afternoon our Common Awards external examiner report and our response for 2015-16 is available for your information on the “External Examiner Reporting” section of Academic and General Information here on Moodle.
Also updated on this page under “Common Awards (Durham) Academic Programme Information”, is the Common Awards Academic Handbook- version 1.8- with some very minor changes. It is rare for us to update an academic handbook mid-year however these items have arisen after the start of the year and we need to make everyone aware of them. All changes have been discussed and agreed with the Staff Student Community Forum and/ or Academic Management Group and / or the Staff-Student Access Working Group.
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There is a necessary additional policy regarding
the Governments “Prevent” Agenda as new Appendix I;
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An update to the wording of the appropriate use
of recording equipment on page 5.
- · A note about the impact on anonymity for the marker of the new turnitin online marking system on people who have extensions that go beyond the date that the rest of the cohort receive their marks. See pages 8--9
- And finally some clarification Durham University about how the “Cap” is applied where one component of a module has had to be resubmitted. It is confirmed that the marks for the whole module is capped at the pass mark (40 for undergraduate, 50 for postgraduate) rather than the cap simply applying to the component that had to be re-taken. This is on page 11.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these amendments please do get in touch with either myself, a director of studies (Rachel, Jonathan, Paul) , or Dave as Academic Dean.
Katherine Onion, Academic Registrar