Message from Nick Ross about the Student Engagement Review

Message from Nick Ross about the Student Engagement Review

by Judith Rossall -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

As you are aware, we need to put a Student Submission into the QAA as part of this year's Higher Education Review of Queen's. It is important that you, as students, are happy that this reflects the view of 'the student body'...even if it may not reflect all of your own opinions. A small working group has put together a draft document which is now loaded on the Student Engagement Review pages, which you will find under 'Academic/Foundation Information'

Please take the time to read the document carefully and to respond if you have comments / additions / changes you wish to propose. If you are happy with what has been written, there is no need to respond at this stage. When a final draft is produced, all students will be asked to respond to say that they have read the submission and are satisfied that it reflects the views of the student body.

There will be three ways to respond.

  • Through a discussion board which is now up and functioning. There are a number of discussion strands relating to the different elements of the document.  Again you will find this in the Student Engagement Review page.  You will need to enrol in this page to take part in the forum - instructions are on the page. 
  • On Tuesday, I expect to be leading a discussion of the document at the staff student forum.
  • If there are issues that you feel need to be taken into consideration in the final submission, but which you are not happy to air in a public forum, email me at

However you are responding, we need to receive your receive your responses by midday Friday at the latest, because I need to circulate a revised FINAL DRAFT on Monday.

Note: There are some voices that have not been included as yet. This includes 

  • Lay Readers, 
  • Students studying at Shallowford 
  • Research students

These omissions should be rectified over the coming week.


 Nick Ross

Lead Student Rep.

Please remember that if  you just reply to this message, your email will go to Judith not Nick.  To respond to Nick, please use the email address