Some changes to navigating online resources

Some changes to navigating online resources

by Michael Gale -
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Please note that some changes are afoot regarding our online resources. You can find more information about our online resources on the library pages on Moodle (under Student Services / Learning Resources / Library).


First, some of you may have spotted that Ebsco, the company which supplies ATLA, has introduced a radically new interface to its databases, which may be a bit off-putting. Be assured that it is still the same Ebsco with the same content and functionality – you may just need to hunt around a bit at first to find the functionality that you are familiar with. Here is a short video supplied by Ebsco to introduce us to the new interface.


Second, if you are off-site and using a link provided by your tutor to access a journal article on ATLA, you may encounter the following screen. Enter Queen’s Foundation and you should find it on the list.



Third, if you are accessing the Online Journals via the Hub, you now come to a new intermediary screen (which we hope is only temporary) (see below). Click on EBSCOhost Research Databases, and you should be ok. Bear in mind that Common Awards are in the process of introducing a new search interface for Hub resources, so the interface which you encounter is likely to change in the coming weeks.



Michael Gale, Librarian

The Queen’s Foundation