Common Awards - Academic Safety Net (2020 - 2021)

Common Awards - Academic Safety Net (2020 - 2021)

by Rachel Starr -
Number of replies: 0

Common Awards notes: 'We recognise that this year assessments are being undertaken in challenging circumstances. In response, we are introducing the Academic Safety Net, an integrated set of policies and practices aiming to ensure that no student’s educational attainment is worsened as a result of the pandemic, and that each student receives the grade they deserve.'  

Information about Common Awards Academic Safety Net for 2020-2021 is available on the Common Awards website:

There is a lot of detail on the website about how Common Awards is inviting Theological Education Institutions to take account of the continuing impact of Covid-19. These include the means (a 'group mitigation flag') by which the impact of Covid-19 may be identified in modules as a whole, something to which Academic tutors, Registry and ultimately the relevant exam boards will be attentive.  

To quote Common Awards on this point: 'TEIs will be asked to use the ‘group mitigation flag’ to bring assessment marks to the attention of the University where assessment marks are both significantly lower and/or higher than previous years (in line with good academic standards practice).'  

In addition, students are reminded that, as in any year, they can complete a request for a Serious Adverse Circumstance to be taken into account in relation to some or all of their assignments. This is the way in which serious illness or other significant, unexpected life events which have impacted on time or ability to study can be noted. 

Do talk with your personal tutors, student academic reps or Director of Studies if you have any questions.  
