Citizens UK Birmingham Assembly on 25th March 2021

Citizens UK Birmingham Assembly on 25th March 2021

by Mel Beaven -
Number of replies: 0

The Queen's Foundation is a principal partner of CitizensUK and proud to support the Citizens Assembly:

On Thursday 25th March 2021 at 6 PM, you are invited to join CitizensUK Birmingham at the online Assembly to launch civil society priorities for this year's regional elections. 

This is not a public hustings event. Amidst celebrating diversity and sharing powerful testimonies, communities from across the membership will assemble together online to present specific asks to the main candidates invited to join the assembly and make pledges on making local families better off, communities safer and our region a place of welcome.

It is expected to be an energising evening of civil society acting together for the common good building hope during this pandemic, and it is your opportunity to see community organising in action.

Please register your place by clicking here:

Citizens UK Birmingham website with further event details: 

The priorities for CitizensUK Birmingham can be found here:

Poster for the Citizens UK Assembly