Dear Queen's,
We are reviewing the current chaplaincy provision to make sure that we are best able to support as many in our growing community as possible.
Therefore, if you are a continuing (i.e. not beginning in September 2021) student on any programme, alumni, partner/family of a continuing (or graduated) student or member of Queen's staff, we would like to hear about your knowledge and experience of the Queen's chaplaincy service (regardless of whether you have lots/little to say). This will help us build a picture of how the service is used and what is most needed.
(*Note, new students will hear about the Queen's chaplaincy service as part of your induction)
Please complete the short survey below before Monday, 6th September.
Moodle users can access the survey here: Queen's Chaplaincy Survey: Summer 2021
Please forward this link to any family/partners/ those without Moodle access:
Many thanks for your help,
Jen (on behalf of the chaplaincy review group: Clive, Sister Bev, Carlton and Julie)