Our end of term online Advent service is on Monday evening at 7.00pm. It's an opportunity to bring together anyone who is part of the Queen's learning experience, including students in all our different cohorts, staff, and families and friends. Mark Earey (Director of Anglican Formation) will be leading and our Principal, Prof. Clive Marsh will be preaching. Please join if you can.
We expect the service to last 30-40 mins, and it will be recorded for those who can't make it. If you have a candle (real, or if that isn't safe, electronic) then have it to hand, ready to light towards the end of the service.
The Zoom link is here (also on the Chapel Information page):
The link should take you straight to the service, but in case you need the details, here they are:
Meeting ID: 965 2766 7376 Passcode: 033737