Queen's Virtual Noticeboard

Queen's Virtual Noticeboard

by Andrew Hayes -
Number of replies: 0

The following message comes from Jonny Bell in his capacity as a Staff Student Community Forum (SSCF) rep. 

Queen's Virtual Noticeboard!
As we are not able to access the physical noticeboard at Queen's, we have made a virtual one on Google Classroom. All you need is an email account to access it and follow the link below - this will help those of us not on Facebook!
People will be able to post 'notices' on the feed about things that are happening. This will be open to all in the Queen's community; this includes all students, partners and family. Moodle does work well (sometimes) for notices/announcements, but due to the way it works, partners/family members cannot access them. We encourage people to share the link with those in their family if they wish.
To join Queen's Virtual Noticeboard: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTczMjIyODExNDAz?cjc=uhb7j76