Dear All
We have had the following message about one way that Anglican students can access more e-books. The 'we' in the message below is those working for the Hub.
We have been working with SPCK to make available a selection of their books in a similar way to those from the SCM. The first 40 of these books are being uploaded to the Hub this week. However, Anglican students can help can access these books (and help us) a different way. As you are aware SPCK have partnered with the Clergy Support Trust to offer an app that gives access to their full collection of books. This is only available to ordinands and curates. Our agreement with SPCK means that we don’t pay for any ordinand or curate who has signed up for the access via the app. All three partners in this arrangement agree that we want to maximise the take up of the app by ordinands and curates.
- The Clergy Support Trust want as many curates and ordinands to take the offer as this helps build a relationship with them and helps them meet their charitable aims.
- The SPCK get more money for someone on the app than they do on the more limited Moodle collection of books.
- The Ministry Team do not have to pay SPCK for access via Moodle if that person has signed up onto the app.
To be clear – the SPCK books on the Hub will be a smaller collection, but will be open to all students and all staff whether or not they are ordinands or curates and whether or not they are registered with Common Awards. The headcount for charging will happen soon so please ask your students who are ordinands or curates to act fast. The access code for this offer can be found on the Hub under the “Hub Resources” dropdown – click on Clergy Support Trust. For curates, the access code should have been sent to IME2 officers, or send a message to the Clergy Support Trust here
If you are an Anglican student, please act now and sign up. If you are not Anglican - look for the new books to appear on the hub soon.